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Home » News » 5 things to consider when choosing a Safety Glove

5 things to consider when choosing a Safety Glove

The guidance on Personal Protective Equipment at work regulations 1992 states: Gloves or other hand protection should be capable of giving protection from hazards, be comfortable and fit the wearer. The choice should be made on the basis of suitability for protection, compatibility with the work and requirements for the user.

So what are the things, you need to think about when choosing a Safety Glove for you or your employees.

Assess the job and work environment

Identify the varies types of work that you need to carry out and the environment in which you do so will have assess the type of material, size and flexibility you need from a safety glove.

Review the available products and varieties

Once you know what you need, do your research – there will be many different suppliers offer safety gloves and claiming to be experts in hand protection but make sure each glove meets the EN standards, is CE marked and categorised.

Get the right fit

Make sure the safety glove is comfortable and fits – meaning it’s not too tight, not too bulky, non-restrictive and allows you to carry out your requirements. Try a few different brands for size – as they will all feel slightly different.


Make sure you are aware of the variety of gloves able to you, should you need to change gloves for different jobs. Also, make yourself aware of the specific do’s and don’ts of the selected safety glove.


Ensuring the safety glove is well looked after and stored correctly will extend the longevity of glove and will ensure value for money.

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