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Flexothane is a textile developed by Sioen industries. Its breathability prevents the clammy feeling which so often plagues those working at high temperatures. Further to this, Flexothane is strong, supple, light and makes no irritating rustling noise. When a garment meets all these requirements, productivity increases as movement is not being restricted. Flexothane also does not rely on the use of harmful chlorides in its production. This means that when the lifespan of the garment comes to its end, the disposal of Flexothane can be done without having a detrimental effect on the environment. Finally, Flexothane is machine washable meaning that after a long day’s work it is a simple matter to throw your jacket in the washing machine and relax. SafetyCare offers a range of the Flexothane products, including work jackets and work trousers.

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TraffiGLOVEHuskeeGrisportSafetyCareCleanAIRFentexDr.MartensCastle ClothingAirkitLyngsoe



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