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PPE Compliance: How to Meet Industry Standards and Regulations

Every year on 28th April, businesses across the globe observe World Day for Safety and Health at Work. This worldwide campaign, organised by the International Labour Organization (ILO), aims to promote safe, healthy and sustainable workplaces for all. Here’s a little more about the event and how you can ensure PPE compliance across your business.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024

World Day for Safety and Health at Work (WDSHW) serves as a reminder of the importance of creating work environments that prioritise the welfare of employees. It provides an opportunity for employers, workers, government agencies and other stakeholders to come together and discuss strategies for improving workplace safety practices, preventing occupational accidents and diseases, and enhancing overall health and wellbeing at work.

The theme of World Day for Safety and Health at Work varies each year, reflecting current global trends and priorities in occupational health and safety. Past themes have addressed issues such as the prevention of occupational accidents, the promotion of mental health in the workplace, and the importance of adapting to new challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme for 2024 focuses on exploring the impacts of climate change on occupational health and safety, which includes heat stress, UV radiation, air pollution, major industrial accidents, extreme weather events, increased exposure to chemicals, and more.

How to get involved in WDSHW

Through events, seminars, workshops and awareness campaigns, World Day for Safety and Health at Work seeks to foster dialogue, share best practices, and mobilise action towards creating safer and healthier workplaces. By joining the conversation and promoting a culture of safety in any way you can, your organisation can play a crucial role in reducing workplace injuries and illnesses, improving employee morale and productivity, and contributing to sustainable economic development.

Ultimately, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work serves as a call to action for all stakeholders to prioritise occupational health and safety as fundamental human rights and integral components of sustainable development. It reminds us that everyone has a part to play in creating safer, healthier and more inclusive workplaces for current and future generations.

Why is high-quality and suitable PPE so important?

The right kind of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is crucial for businesses to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their employees, which is why it always factors as part of WDSHW. Properly selected PPE not only protects workers from workplace hazards such as chemical exposure, physical injuries and airborne contaminants, it also minimises the risk of accidents and injuries.

Investing in high-quality PPE demonstrates a commitment to a company culture focused on safety, fostering a positive work environment, and enhancing employee morale and productivity. Additionally, compliance with PPE regulations helps businesses to avoid legal liabilities and financial penalties, which safeguards their reputation and long-term sustainability.

Examples of PPE

In the fast-paced world of business and industry, ensuring the safety and wellbeing of workers is paramount. PPE plays a vital role in safeguarding employees against workplace hazards. There are many types of PPE, with some of the most common being:

Understanding PPE regulations

Before delving into recent updates, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of existing PPE regulations. In both Ireland and the UK, PPE compliance is governed by various legislative frameworks, including the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425, and the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 in the UK and equivalent regulations in Ireland.

Recent regulatory updates

As we’re sure you’ll already know, health and safety regulations are constantly evolving in the best interests of workers, communities and the environment. Here are some recent updates that your business needs to know about:

Harmonised Standards in Ireland

In Ireland, PPE regulations continue to align with EU directives, including the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation (EU) 2016/425. Manufacturers and distributors in Ireland must comply with CE marking requirements for PPE to demonstrate conformity with essential health and safety requirements.

Post-Brexit changes in the UK

With the UK’s exit from the European Union, PPE regulations have undergone some adjustments. While the UK initially aligned with EU standards, it now has the authority to develop its own PPE regulations. As a result, businesses operating in the UK must ensure compliance with UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) marking, which replaces CE marking for PPE placed on the market in Great Britain. However, CE marking is still valid for PPE placed on the market in Northern Ireland.

Implications for various sectors

Given the nature of operations in the industrial, warehousing, transportation, logistics and construction sectors, PPE compliance is of the utmost importance. Workers in these sectors are exposed to various hazards, including mechanical, chemical and environmental risks. As a result, ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of PPE is critical to mitigating workplace injuries and ensuring regulatory compliance.

If you need any help choosing the right kind of PPE for your workforce, the safety specialists here at SafetyCare are always available to talk you through your options and offer expert advice.

Meeting industry standards

To meet industry standards and regulations effectively, businesses operating in multiple sectors must prioritise the following:

Regular risk assessments

Conducting comprehensive risk assessments is the cornerstone of effective PPE management. By identifying workplace hazards and assessing associated risks, your business can determine the appropriate types of PPE required to protect your employees adequately.

Employee training and awareness

Proper training and awareness programmes are essential to ensure PPE compliance at every level of employment, from management teams and seasoned employees to part-time and seasonal workers. Training sessions should cover PPE selection, proper usage, maintenance and disposal procedures, as this will maximise effectiveness and minimise risks.

Collaboration with suppliers

Collaborating with reputable PPE suppliers such as SafetyCare is crucial for choosing quality products that meet regulatory requirements. Your business should also ensure that your PPE suppliers provide documentation, such as certificates of conformity and test reports, to verify compliance with relevant standards.

Summing up PPE compliance

Staying compliant with PPE regulations is a continuous endeavour for businesses operating in the industrial, warehousing, transportation, logistics and construction sectors in Ireland and the UK. By staying informed about recent regulatory updates, conducting thorough risk assessments, providing comprehensive employee training, and collaborating with reliable suppliers like SafetyCare, you can confidently navigate PPE compliance while prioritising the safety and wellbeing of your workforce.

Order your PPE and safety clothing from SafetyCare

Whatever kind of PPE and protective workwear you need to keep your employees safe, comfortable and happy in their roles, SafetyCare can supply it. Get in touch with our team of safety specialists today at or give us a call on 01 8499 100.

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